Nurturing future healthcare leaders
Since 2006, our executive programs have trained over 600 current and future healthcare leaders, who have played and will continue to play crucial roles in China's healthcare reform, healthcare delivery, and food safety. We develop those programs under the agreement and collaborative efforts of the China Commission of Health and Family Planning, Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health and Peking Union Medical College.
Upcoming Programs
Become a Pioneer in Transformation Women and Children's Health
Program Dates
May 14-18, 2019
Harvard Medical School Department of Population Medicine / Harvard Pilgrim Health Care Institute.
Healthcare Leadership Training Program (HELP)
Diabetes Prevention and Treatment Workshop
Leading China's Transformation in Diabetes Management
Program Dates
April 23-27, 2019
Harvard Medical School Department of Population Medicine / Harvard Pilgrim Health Care Institute.
Previous Programs

Harvard Executive Leadership Program
The training program aims to introduce America’s advanced experience of hospital management to Chinese hospital executives and to improve the professionalism of hospital management in China.
From 23-25 July 2018, “Healthcare Executive Leadership Program” held at Department of Population Medicine of Harvard Medical School and Harvard Pilgrim Institute DPM China Center. The program invited hospital executives from 6 tertiary hospitals across Beijing, Guangdong Province, and Henan Province in China attended the program. Thirteen speakers shared topics including Value-based Healthcare Services, Value-based Insurance, People-Centered Primary Care, CHA’s Integrated Health Care System, Meta-leadership in Hospital Management, Using Information from Health Care Systems for Population Health Surveillance, and Comparison of China and U.S. Healthcare Systems.

Life Course Health for Women & Children Symposium and Training Program
May 14-18, 2018, Boston
The training program aims to exchange advanced experience life-course management experience for women and children and infertility treatment to advance professionalism of clinical practitioners and experts. Twenty-one U.S. and China's speakers covered topics including Mother and Infant Safety, Diabetes in Pregnancy, Safety in IVF, Core Ethical Principles in Assisted Reproduction, and etc.

Diabetes Prevention and Treatment Workshop
April 23-26, 2018, Boston
The workshop aims to introduce America’s advanced experience of diabetes management and treatment to Chinese clinical experts and scholars. hospital executives and to improve the professionalism of chronic disease management in China. Eleven speakers from Harvard Medical School, Valera Health, Joslin Diabetes Center, Cambridge Health Alliance, Boston Children's Hospital, and etc. covered a variety of topics including Implementing and Scaling up Evidence-based Practices and Innovations , Transformative Technologies in Chronic Disease Management, Progress in Diabetes Research and Innovation.

Food Safety Risk Assessment Training Program
Boston, U.S., Since 2014
The Summit collaborates with China National Center for Food Safety Risk Assessment (CFSA) and Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health to provide this training program. The training group has representatives from the CFSA, Ministry of Agriculture, the National Health & Family Planning Commission (NHFPC), provincial NHFPC and food safety monitoring offices in China. Speakers from food safety related academic area, federal, state and local government sectors, private sectors as well as NGOs are invited to share their knowledge and experience with the trainees.

Senior health executive education program
Boston, U.S., Since 2006
The Summit collaborates with the China Commission of Health and Population, Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health, and Peking Union Medical College to provide this training program. Since 2006, these education programs have trained over 600 current and future leaders, who have played and continue to play crucial roles in the Chinese healthcare system reform, and health-sector related development.

Hospital CEO executive education program
Boston, U.S., Since 2007
The Summit collaborates with China Commission of Health and Population, Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health, and Peking Union Medical College to provide this training program. Since 2007, this education program has trained over 100 hospital CEO, who have played and continue to play crucial roles in the medical training and healthcare delivery in China.