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2019 Agenda


Day One: September 26, 2019


2019 U.S.-China Health Care Innovation & Investment Forum

Innovate & Sustainable Health Care System

9:00 AM - 9:15 AM

Opening Remarks

Harvard Medical School, Martin Conference Center Rotunda

Morning Keynote

George Church 

Professor of Genetics, Harvard Medical School

9:45 AM - 10:45 AM

Session One

Genetics & Biotechnology: A New Frontier for Precision Medicine

Moderator:   Antonio Regalado

                      Senior Editor for Biomedicine,                                  MIT Technology Review

Panelist:        George Church 

                      Professor of Genetics, Harvard                                  Medical School

                      Peter Fong

                      Senior Principal, Flagship Pioneering

                      Xin (Sylvia) He

                      Founder and Managing Partner,                                Hyfinity Fund             

10:45 AM - 11:00 AM

Coffee Break

11:00 AM - 12:00 PM

Session Two

Showcase Part 1 - Genetics & Biotechnology

12:00 PM - 1:30 PM

Lunch Talk

IP Protection and Regulation in U.S. and China

1:30 PM - 2:00 PM

Afternoon Keynote

"Learning to fly: Building a New Model of Person-centered Primary Care"


Rushika Fernandopulle 

Founder & CEO, Iora Health

2:00 PM - 3:00 PM

Session Three

Who Pays for Innovation? The U.S. vs. China Experience


Moderator:   Rushika Fernandopulle

                      Founder & CEO, Iora Health

Panelist:        Michael Greeley

                      Partner, Flare Capital

                      Beth Bierbower

                      Segment President, Humana

                      Representative from China Life                                    Insurance/ Ping An Insurance                                      Company of China/ Guobao Life                                  Insurance Co., Ltd.

                      Feng Deng

                      President and CEO of Northern Light                          Venture Capital

                      Xuefei Gu

                      Vice Director, Medical Security                                    Research Institute of Health                                        Development Studies 
                      Center of National Health Commission                        of China

3:00 PM - 3:15 PM

Coffee Break

3:15 PM - 4:15 PM

Session Four

Digital Therapeutics & E-health Provide Quality Care at Lower Costs


Moderator:  David Mou 

                     Cofounder and Medical Director,                                 Valera Health; Psychiatrist at           

                     Massachusetts General Hospital 

Panelist:       Lingyun Su

                     Director, AliHealth Research Institute

                     Ligang Zhang

                     President & CEO, iKang

                     Weihang Ma

                     Deputy Director, Health Commission of                       Zhejiang Province

4:15 PM - 5:15 PM

Session Five

Part 2 - AI, Digital Therapeutics & E-health

speakers: Five mid/later stage start-up companies 

5:30 PM - 8:0 PM

Cocktail Social

9:15 AM - 9:45 AM

Day Two: September 27, 2019


2019 U.S.-China Health Summit

Building a Sustainable Health Care System

9:00 AM - 9:30 AM

Harvard Medical School, Martin Conference Center Rotunda

Opening Remarks

Lincoln Chen 

President, China Medical Board 

Wenkang Zhang

Former Minister, Ministry of Health of China

9:30 AM - 10:30 AM

Session One: Morning Keynote

Peter Slavin 

President of Massachusetts General Hospita

Chen Wang 

Academician and Vice President, Chinese Academy of Engineering; 
President, Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences & Peking Union Medical College (CAMS&PUMC) 

10:30 AM - 11:00 AM

Coffee Break

11:00 AM - 12:30 PM

Session Two

Building a Sustainable & Integrated Health Care System


Speakers:      Donald Berwick 

                      President Emeritus & Senior                                                Fellow, Institute for HealthcareImprovement 

                      William Haseltine

                      Chairman and President, Access Health                              International; Chairman, U.S.- China Health                        Summit 

                      Qizhu Tang

                      Vice President, Wuhan University;                                        President, Hubei Provincial People’s                                    Hospital 

                      Wei Fu

                      Director, Health Development Studies                                  Center of National Health Commission of

12:30 PM - 2:00 PM

Lunch Talk

“U.S.-China Relationship: Where Shall We Go”


Ezra Vogel 

Harvard Professor, Former Harvard Fairbank Center Director, East Asia Expert

2:00 PM - 3:30 PM

Session Three

Learning Health System: The Future of medical Research using Real World Evidence



Speakers:      Richard Platt 

                      Professor and Chair, Department of                                    Population Medicine, HMS (Confirmed)
Jonathan Perlin

                      President and Chief Medical Officer of HCA                        Healthcare 

                      Steven Pearson

                      Founder & President, Institute for Clinical                            and Economic Review

                      Erdan Huang

                      Director, National Institute of Hospital                                  Administration, National Health Commission                        of China  

                      Jie He

                      President, Cancer Hospital Chinese                                    Academy of Medical Sciences   

3:30 PM - 5:00 PM

Session Four

Value-based Insurance and Health Care Services 


Moderator:   James Frank Wharam 

                      Associate Professor and General                          Internist, Harvard Medical School
                      and Harvard Pilgrim Health Care                          Institute 

Speakers:      Michael Sherman

                      Chief Medical Officer, Harvard                              Pilgrim Health Care
                        Yuanli Liu

                      Dean, School of Public Health,                              CAMS&PUMC  

                      Marc-David Munk

                      Former Chief Medical Officer,                                CVS MinuteClinic 
Mark Fendrick

                      Director, Value-Based Insurance                          Design (V-BID) Center, University                        of Michigan

                      Zongfan Wang

                      Director, Medical Security                                      Research Institute of Chinese                              Academy of Labor and Social                                Security

5:00 PM - 5:15 PM

Coffee Break

5:15 PM - 6:15 PM

Session Five

Where Future Medicine Will Lead Us to and How to Make It Sustainable?

Moderator:   Sally Wang

                      Health Tech & Biopharma                                                Entrepreneur & Lawyer

Speakers:      Howard Koh

                      Harvard T.H. Chan School of                                          Public Health
                        Jing Wu

                      Deputy Director, The National                                          Center for Chronic and                                                    Noncommunicable Disease 
                      Control and Prevention under the Direct                          Jurisdiction of the Chinese Center for                              Disease Control and Prevention   

                      Ning Zhuang

                      Deputy Director, Department of                                      Healthcare Reform of National Health                            Commission of the China
Mei Xu

                      President, Yunnan Richland Hospital,                              Kunming, Yunnan

6:15 PM - 6:30 PM

Closing Remarks

6:30 PM - 7:30 PM

Cocktail Social


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