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Tumor Micro-environment and Development of Biology Medicine

“Our State Key Laboratory of Biotherapy (SKLB) has set up a whole set of key technology platforms for drug development including gene discovery, drug discovery and development, clinical treatment and others.” WEI Yuquan talked about progress in biotherapy at “Translational Medicine & Precision Medicine” session in the 8th U.S.-China Health Summit.

WEI Yuquan, Director of State Key Laboratory of Biotherapy and Cancer Center, West China Hospital, Sichuan University; Academician, Chinese Academy of Sciences

"Tumor Micro-environment and Development of Biology Medicine"

Biotech drugs are drugs produced by modern biotechnology and DNA recombination technology, including individual antibodies, vaccines, biological factors, and the like. Despite of various types, biotech drugs can be roughly classified as above. Biotherapy, however, refers to any form of treatment that uses biotech drugs and biotechnology, including antibodies in immunotherapy and cytokines in cellular therapy.

Professor Wei Yuquan has been engaged in basic research, key technology development and clinical treatment of tumor biotherapy. He led to establish the SKLB of Sichuan University. Now, the laboratory is a key technology platform for drug development, including genome, proteomics, gene therapy, immunotherapy, biotech drugs and biotherapy. It also works as a key technology platform for Good Clinical Practice (GCP) and clinical trials of new drugs. And a highly integrated and interrelated “technology chain” is formed. Here gathers over 1000 R&D personnel. And thanks to great support from the state and the sound environment of national drug research and development, more than 60 new drugs for primary care have been transferred to enterprises.

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